This resulted in completing a true Level-3 tier and even larger Tier-4 units. So many fresh ideas bore fruit early on that we soon realized that The Talon would likely have to be mothballed in favor of a more 'fleshed-out' Arm and Core. Escalation certainly evolved with these new capabilities as we often forged them into unexpected and new units and concepts for the game. Until recently, the end result was really nowhere in sight – just churning out new ideas and concepts in line with all the new hacks and tweaks made available through the hard work of guys like Xon, Zwzsg, xpoy, and Admiral_94 and many others.

What do you envision the end-result of this momentous amount of work, the creation and execution of Total Annihilation: Escalation to be, and has that vision changed over the course of time due to the advancements in scripting and engine knowledge that have occurred over the years?

In a nutshell, merge the production quality standards of TheRegisteredOne's brilliant work with the popular concepts and scope presented in my project into the ‘Ultimate TA Mod’ - Total Annihilation: Escalation.įor full-res pics and more previews on upcoming releases, check out the TA: Escalation Discord!
I did a lot of small collaborations with Genghis Khan X, Caer, Silencer, Chinahook, VanTheMan, Sinclaire, Immerman, and many others before meeting this guy who was working on a new race called The Talon… It was not until two years later though, and after working on my own popular mod (with help from Boogalizer and Warlord), that TheRegisteredOne, The Talon’s founder - and I realized that we could do something really special for TA. C_A_P taught me the conversion process for adding Total Annihilation: Kingdoms tilesets and features into TA (I did the Creon, Zhon, and Aramon conversions that many still use today). NJ_Thug was also a huge help and taught me 3D texturing in Rhino. I really started to cut my teeth into learning about modding with Uberhack along with running a community of like-minded players and would-be modders by participating there. It was fun, but they were not my units and many others were doing it better, especially Uberhack and Brave Sir Robin. Like anyone else, I started out patching together different units into a collection to fill out the game. My younger brother introduced me to 3rd party units and I was again smitten with the concept of realizing one’s own vision for the ideal game. I started out making maps and was really into the TAMEC scene early on. The road to Escalation was quite a long and winding one on my side.

How did Escalation come about and what were your initial goals for the project? The seemingly endless creative potential as much as the playability is what really struck me about TA and it has remained that way ever since. I’d be lying if I said that is what hooked me on TA though – the real grab came a bit later when we found we were able to make maps after the release of Total Annihilation: Core Contingency. The depth, both map terrain and the amount of units was jaw dropping. My first memory of the game is playing on ‘Rock Alley’ as Core (color red, of course) looking at the massive Goliath tanks pushing northward toward my Arm enemy (blue, naturally). We had these 'ginormous' 20” CRTs (you could play games on these for an extra $2.50 an hour) running TA at 800圆00. That changed in the fall of ’97 when we first started up TA though. TA looked cool, but at first it did not really seem all the much different than Dark Reign and some of the other next gen RTS titles on the horizon. With games like Quake and Magic Carpet, 3D was really in vogue as the Next Big Thing back then.
My brothers and I opened up one of the very first LAN gaming sites in the USA back in 1996, which we trademarked as the ‘Matrix’, before shutting it all down right before a certain movie came out years later… Anyway, we got heavily into real-time strategy gaming via Command & Conquer, that first year, when we started reading about this new ‘3D’ game in PC Magazine called Total Annihilation. What was your entry into the TA community? When did you first get the game and what were your initial thoughts about how it was constructed and its playability? 12 comments (last comment by DIRTY_Harry) Today I have an interview to share with Wotan, co-founder and leading man of the runaway train known as Total Annihilation: Escalation.Saturday 25th July 2020 at 6:26 AM by Muzzleflash